Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Computer Cases-For IT Essentials Students

A computer case contains the framework to support the internal components of a computer while providing an enclosure for added protection. Computer cases are typically made of plastic, steel, and aluminum and are available in a variety of styles.
The size and layout of a case is called a form factor. There are many types of cases, but the basic form factors for computer cases include desktop and tower. Desktop cases may be slimline or full-sized, and tower cases may be mini or full-sized.
Computer cases are referred to in a number of ways:
Computer chassis
In addition to providing protection and support, cases also provide an environment designed to keep the internal components cool. Case fans are used to move air through the computer case. As the air passes warm components, it absorbs heat and then exits the case. This process keeps the components of the computer from overheating.


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